2024-25 FAFSA Changes

The 2024–25 FAFSA is now available for students and their families to complete.

See Launch of the 2024–25 FAFSA Form for more information.

2024-2025 FAFSA Changes

How the FAFSA Simplification Act Affects You

The FAFSA Simplification Act was passed by Congress in 2020 and represents a significant overhaul of the processes and systems used to award federal financial aid. This includes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, need analysis that determines federal aid eligibility, changes in terminology, and many policies and procedures for schools that participate in federal student aid programs.

What’s changing with the FAFSA?

The FAFSA Simplification Act requires a number of changes to the FAFSA, including a more streamlined application process and a better user experience when completing the FAFSA. Barriers to financial aid will also be reduced for students in certain populations (e.g., homeless and unaccompanied youth, incarcerated students, English language learners, and students from low-income backgrounds).

What's Changed for the 2024–25 FAFSA Form?

The FAFSA will be shorter and more user-friendly

The maximum number of questions on the FAFSA has been reduced from 108 to 46. With the update to a dynamic FAFSA, students and contributors will only see the questions that are relevant to their situation.

The FAFSA will be available in more languages

In addition to English and Spanish, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will be available in the 11 most common languages spoken by English learner students and their parents.

Who is a FAFSA contributor?

Contributor is a new term being introduced on the 2024–25 FAFSA form. A contributor refers to anyone who is required to provide information on a student’s FAFSA. A contributor could be the student, student’s parent (biological or adoptive), step-parent, or spouse. Questions on the FAFSA will be used to identify contributors.

If someone is determined to be a contributor, but does not provide the needed information on the student’s FAFSA, the student’s financial aid eligibility cannot be determined.

Being a contributor does not mean that they are financially responsible for the student’s educational costs, but it does mean the contributor must provide the required information on the student’s FAFSA.

As in the past, dependency for tax filing purposes is not the same as dependency for financial aid purposes.

Which parent is the contributor for a dependent student if divorced or separated?

Students who are considered dependent for financial aid purposes must provide financial information for the parent (contributor) and step-parent (if applicable, also a contributor) who provided the most financial support to the student during the past 12 months.

Which parent(s) are listed if parents are unmarried, but living together?

For parents of dependent students that are unmarried, but who live together, both parents will be contributors on the FAFSA.

When is a spouse a contributor?

The spouse of a dependent student’s parent will be a contributor if the parent and their spouse were not married in 2022, but were married at the time the FAFSA was completed or if the parents were married in 2022 but filed their 2022 federal income tax returns separately.

The spouse of an independent student will be a contributor if the student and their spouse were not married in 2022, but were married at the time the FAFSA was completed or were married in 2022 but filed their 2022 federal income tax returns separately.

Who Is a Contributor on the 2024–25 FAFSA Form?

What does a FAFSA contributor do?

Contributors will receive an email informing them that they’ve been identified as such, and will need to log in using their own FSA ID (username/password) to provide information on the student’s FAFSA and to provide consent to use the IRS Direct Data Exchange*.

The FAFSA will not be fully complete or submitted until all contributors have provided their information and their consent. If there are multiple contributors on the FAFSA, only the final contributor will be able to submit the FAFSA on behalf of the student. Once begun, the FAFSA will be held in a "pending" status for 45 days. If information is still needed after 45 days, the FAFSA will be deleted and a new FAFSA will need to be completed by the student and all contributors.

In a small number of cases, students and contributors will have to enter their tax information manually, but for most, the data will automatically transfer into the FAFSA from the IRS.

*The IRS Data Retrieval Tool is being replaced with an automatic data transfer (Direct Data Exchange) from the IRS and it will no longer be optional.

Reporting of child support received

Child support received for any family member for the most recently completed calendar year (January 1 - December 31) must be reported.

  • If the FAFSA is being completed on December 15, 2023, child support received would be reported for calendar year 2022.
  • If the FAFSA is being completed on March 15, 2024, child support received would be reported for calendar year 2023.

Family farms and small businesses must be reported as assets

If asked, families must report the value of their small business or family farm. If the family farm is the family’s primary residence, determine the total net value of the farm assets and subtract the net value of the primary residence to determine the final value of their farm assets.

Net value of all small businesses, regardless of the number of business employees, must be reported as part of the family’s assets.

The Student Aid Index (SAI) is replacing the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

A major change in terminology is moving away from the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to the Student Aid Index (SAI). The SAI doesn’t represent a dollar amount. The use of SAI more accurately describes the number used to determine financial aid eligibility. The SAI can be a negative number, as low as -1500.

Students who are experiencing unusual circumstances will be provided with a conditional SAI and will need to follow up with the Financial Aid Office for assistance.

The number of family members in college will not be used to calculate the SAI

Families will still provide a response to the number of family members in college. However, this information will not be used in the SAI calculation.

Some students will automatically be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grant eligibility determination will take into consideration the federal poverty level and household structure. This makes it quicker and easier for people to know they’re eligible.

Maximum Federal Pell Grant eligibility:

  • Families making less than 175% of the federal poverty level
  • Student is a single parent making less than 225% of the federal poverty level

Minimum Federal Pell Grant eligibility:

  • Student is a single parent making less than 400% of the federal poverty level
  • Married student with dependents making less than 350% of federal poverty level
  • Student is dependent child of single parent making less than 325% of federal poverty level
  • Single, or married student, with no dependents making less than 275% of federal poverty level

Federal Pell Grant awards between the minimum and maximum amounts will be determined using the SAI.

What will happen after the FAFSA becomes available?

When the 2024–2025 FAFSA does become available, students and their families will be able to complete the FAFSA and will receive a confirmation email. This confirmation email will provide an estimated Student Aid Index (SAI) and estimated Federal Pell Grant eligibility. However, no database matches will happen at this time. When database matches are done, student will be contacted if additional information needs to be provided to schools. Schools listed on the FAFSA will not receive access to that information until some time in January. Updates to the information provided on the FAFSA cannot be made by the student or the school until then.

What isn’t changing?

  • The FAFSA must be completed for consideration of all federal and state financial aid funds.
  • The general types of aid available to students will not change.
  • The FAFSA will still request tax information from the prior-prior year.
    • The 2024-2025 FAFSA will be completed using 2022 tax information.
    • Families with special or unusual circumstances may request a review of their situation on a case-by-case basis.
  • Questions regarding the student’s gender, race, and ethnicity will not be used in the determination of financial aid eligibility. Responses to these questions are not provided to the school.

Steps you can take now

Create an FSA ID

Anyone who is a contributor on the FAFSA must have an FSA ID. An FSA ID can be created at any time. It can take up to a week before an FSA ID can be used to complete and electronically sign the FAFSA.

For contributors who do not have a social security number, the Department of Education will be providing steps to create an FSA ID. This information will be available when the 2024-2025 FAFSA becomes available.

How to Create an Account and Username (FSA ID) for StudentAid.gov

Identify and apply for scholarships in Scholarship Universe after November 1, 2023

The deadline to apply for Fall 2024 scholarships is February 1, 2024.

Search for scholarships in your community

Scholarships may be available from many different organizations. For high school students, your counselor is a good resource. Additionally, employers (student, parent, and/or spouse) and businesses (e.g. utility and insurance companies, financial institutions) may offer scholarships as well. Search their websites for more information.

Estimate your Student Aid Index (SAI)

Wondering what your estimated Student Aid Index (SAI) will be? You can use the Federal Student Aid Estimator. This is not the actual FAFSA, but will provide an estimated Student Aid Index (SAI) and an estimate of federal financial aid eligibility (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Direct Loans). Official eligibility cannot be determined until the actual 2024–2025 FAFSA is completed. Each school listed on the FAFSA will receive the FAFSA information and will determine financial aid eligibility for that specific school.

Financial Aid

Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

If campus is closed, the Financial Aid Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

Schedule an appointment

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